Engineering (EGR) at Blue Ridge Community College

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EGR 121 - Foundations of Engineering
Introduces the engineering profession and its impact on society and the environment, including engineering problem solving, the engineering design process, and professional practices. Covers fundamental engineering calculations, descriptive statistics, basic spreadsheet and mathematical scripting language applications, professional ethics, teamwork, and communication
Lecture 2 hours. Total 2 hour per week.
Prerequisites: ENG 111 eligible; MTH 162 or MTH 167, or equivalent; or departmental approval.
2 credits
EGR 121 Detailed Outline icon
EGR 122 - Engineering Design
Applies engineering methods to a semester-long team design project with an emphasis on engineering software involving 2D and 3D computer aided design; data modeling and analysis; and iterative programming solutions. Covers design drawings and dimensioning; spreadsheet software usage; mathematical scripting language; and professional practices.
Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
Prerequisite: EGR 121 or departmental permission.
3 credits
EGR 122 Detailed Outline icon
EGR 125 - Introduction to Computer Programming for Engineers
Introduces problem solving and implementation of computer software solutions using a high-level programming language in a structured environment. Includes concepts and practice of algorithm design, language syntax, control structures, arrays, and introduction to object-oriented programming. Covers engineering applications, such as mathematical modeling, file input and output, and basic numerical methods. The assignments in this course require mathematical problem-solving skills, algebraic modeling, and functions, and use of variables.
Lecture 4 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
Prerequisites: MTH 162 or MTH 167 or equivalent; Corequisites: EGR 121
4 credits
EGR 125 Detailed Outline icon
EGR 130 - Statics and Strength of Materials for Engineering Techn
Presents principles and applications of free-body diagrams of force systems in equilibrium. Analyzes frames and trusses. Presents principles and applications to problems in friction, centroids and moments of inertia. Includes properties of materials, stress, strain, elasticity, design of connections, shear and bending in statically determinate beams, and axially loaded columns.
Lecture 3-4 hours. Laboratory 1-4 hours. Total 4-7 hours per week.
4-5 credits
EGR 140 - Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Introduces mechanics of vector forces and space, scalar mass and time, including S.I. and U.S. customary units. Teaches equilibrium, free-body diagrams, moments, couples, distributed forces, centroids, moments of inertia analysis of two- force and multi-force members and friction and internal forces.
Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits
EGR 199 - Supervised Study
Assigns problems for independent study incorporating previous instruction and supervised by the instructor.
May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits
EGR 206 - Engineering Economics
Presents economic analysis of engineering alternatives. Studies economic and cost concepts, calculation of economic equivalence, comparison of alternatives, replacement economy, economic optimization in design and operation, depreciation, and after tax analysis.
Lecture 2-3 hours per week.
2-3 credits
EGR 231 - Mass and Energy Balances
Introduces the field of chemical engineering and how material and energy balances are applied to chemical processes, and physical and thermodynamic properties of multi-component systems.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
Prerequisites: MTH 264, EGR 121, CHM 112 (grade of C or higher in these courses)
3 credits
EGR 231 Detailed Outline icon
EGR 232 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Introduces the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Examines energy conservation; concepts of equilibrium, temperature, energy, and entropy; partial molar properties; pure component and mixture equations of state; processes involving energy transfer as work and heat; reversibility and irreversibility; and closed and open systems and cyclic processes.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hour per week.
Prerequisites: MTH 265 and EGR 231 (grade of C or higher in both of these courses)
3 credits
EGR 232 Detailed Outline icon
EGR 240 - Statics
Introduces basic concepts of engineering mechanics, systems of forces and couples, equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies, and internal forces and analysis of structures, including SI and U.S. customary units. Includes trusses, frames, machines, beams, distributed forces, friction, and centroids.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
Prerequisites: MTH 263 or department permission
3 credits
EGR 240 Detailed Outline icon
EGR 245 - Dynamics
Presents approach to kinematics and kinetics of particles (and systems of particles) in linear and curvilinear motion. Includes kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies in plane motion. Teaches Newton's second law, work-energy, and impulse-momentum methods.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
Prerequisites: EGR 240 or departmental approval.
3 credits
EGR 245 Detailed Outline icon
EGR 246 - Mechanics of Materials
Introduces concepts of stress, strain, deformation, internal equilibrium, and basic properties of engineering materials. Analyzes axial loads, torsion, bending, shear and combined loading. Studies stress transformation, principal stresses, and buckling.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
Prerequisites: EGR 240 or departmental approval.
3 credits
EGR 246 Detailed Outline icon
EGR 247 - Mechanics of Materials Laboratory
Examines mechanical behavior of bars, rods, shafts, tubes and beams subjected to various types of loading. Introduces experimental stress analysis techniques, such as the use of strain gages and data reduction.
Laboratory 2 hours per week.
1 credits
EGR 248 - Thermodynamics for Engineering
Presents fundamental concepts of classical thermodynamics. Includes the first and second law of thermodynamics, thermodynamic properties of pure substances, processes involving energy transfer as work and heat, reversibility and irreversibility, closed and open systems, and thermodynamic cycles.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
Prerequisites: CHM 111 and MTH 264 or department approval.
3 credits
EGR 248 Detailed Outline icon
EGR 270 - Fundamentals of Computer Engineering
Covers digital system analysis, design, and implementation. Includes digital logic, Boolean algebra, combinational and sequential circuits, hierarchical design, and introduction to computer organization and assembly language. Features in laboratory work the use of discrete logic, programmable logic devices, and hardware description language to design, simulate, implement, validate, and document digital circuits
Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
Prerequisites: EGR 121 and either EGR 125 or CSC 221
4 credits
EGR 270 Detailed Outline icon
EGR 271 - Electric Circuits I
Covers fundamentals of electric circuits. Teaches resistive circuit analysis methods, including network theorems. Features operational amplifiers, capacitors, inductors, resistor-capacitor (RC), resistor-inductor (RL) and resistance-inductance-capacitance (RLC) circuit transient response. Introduces phasor representation of alternating current (AC) circuits. Utilizes circuit design processes, technical writing and computer software for problem solving. Includes laboratory analysis to explore course concepts. Part I of II.
Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
Prerequisites: MTH 264 and EGR 121
4 credits
EGR 271 Detailed Outline icon
EGR 272 - Electric Circuits II
Covers sinusoidal steady-state circuit response using phasors, frequency analysis of linear circuits including frequency response, Bode plots, Fourier series analysis, and design of basic filters. Examines Laplace circuit analysis and transfer functions, AC power analysis, nonlinear diode models, and technical writing. Includes laboratory analysis and open-ended design project. Part II of II.
Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
Prerequisites: MTH 267 and EGR 271
4 credits
EGR 272 Detailed Outline icon
EGR 285 - Capstone Project
Provides a capstone research project for the final semester of the program, focusing inquiry upon an area of interest to the student or area relevant to their prospective career field. May include problem based research topics, internships, or other focused projects.
Lecture 1 hour per week.
Prerequisite: IND 290.
1 credits