Civil Engineering Technology (CIV) at Germanna Community College

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CIV 110 - Introduction to Civil Engineering Technology
Introduces basic skills required for a career in civil engineering technology, focusing on the roles and responsibilities of the engineering team, professional ethics, problem solving with hand calculator and computer applications. Introduces civil engineering materials and analysis, standard laboratory procedures and reporting, and engineering graphics, including instruction in Computer Aided Drafting. Instructs students in oral presentation preparations and delivery.
Lecture 1 hour. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
2 credits
CIV 135 - Construction Management and Estimating
Teaches the equipment and methods used in construction. Includes principles and economics of construction, planning and management, and principles of estimating primarily using highway and building project examples.
Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits
CIV 170 - Principles of Surveying
Introduces the elements of surveying to include use and care of modern surveying equipment and the application of surveying in construction.
Lecture 1-2 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 4-5 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Technical Math.
2-3 credits
CIV 172 - Surveying II
Introduces surveys for transportation systems including the preparation and analysis of topographic maps, horizontal and vertical curves, earthwork and other topics related to transportation construction.
Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 5 hour per week.
Prerequisite: CIV 171 or equivalent.
3 credits
CIV 193 - Studies In
Covers new content not covered in existing courses in the discipline. Allows instructor to explore content and instructional methods to access the course's viability as a permanent offering.
Variable hours per week.
1-5 credits
CIV 195 - Topics In
Provides an opportunity to explore topical areas of interest to or needed by students.
May be used also for special honors courses. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits
CIV 196 - On-Site Training
Specializes in career orientation and training program without pay in selected businesses and industry, supervised and coordinated by the college.
Credit/work ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits
CIV 225 - Soil Mechanics
Focuses on soil in its relationship to engineering construction. Includes soil composition and structure, weight-volume relationships, sampling procedures, classification systems, water in soil, stresses, strains, bearing capacity, settlement and expansion, compaction, stabilization, and introduction to foundations and retaining walls.
Lecture 2-3 hours per week. (Rev. 5/1/08)
2-3 credits
CIV 256 - Global Positioning Systems for Land Surveying
Introduces principles of satellite-based surveying and presents Global Positioning System (GPS) as it is utilized in land surveying and the various components of the GPS technology and the techniques through which the GPS technology may be used in land surveys. Utilizes field surveys using the GPS equipment as part of the laboratory activities. [This course covers the same content as GIS 256. Credit will not be granted for both courses].
Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
3 credits