Electrical Technology (ELE) at Piedmont Virginia Community College

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ELE 100 - Electrical-Electronic Skills & Concepts
Teaches skills and concepts of safety, hand & power tools, EMF, assembly and disassembly methods, basic electrical devices and instruments. Provides opportunities for hands-on skills. Reviews theoretical concepts related to basic electricity.
Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
4 credits
ELE 127 - Residential Wiring Methods
Studies wiring methods and standards used for residential dwellings. Provides practical experience in design, layout, construction, and testing of residential wiring systems by use of scaled mock-ups.
Lecture 1-2 hour. Laboratory 2-3 hours. Total 4-5 hours per week.
2-3 credits
ELE 176 - Introduction to Alternative Energy Including Hybrid Systems
Introduces Alternative Energy with an emphasis on solar photovoltaic systems, small wind turbines technology, the theory of PV technology, PV applications, solar energy terminology, system components, site analysis, PV system integration and PV system connections and small wind turbine technology site analysis.
Lecture 2-3 hours. Laboratory 2-3 hours. Total 4-6 hours per week.
2-3 credits
ELE 239 - Programmable Controllers
Examines installation, programming, interfacing, and concepts of troubleshooting programmable controllers.
Lecture 1 - 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 3 - 4 hours per week. 2 - 3 Credits
2-3 credits
ELE 239 Detailed Outline (VCCS Faculty & Staff Only) icon
ELE 240 - Advanced Programmable Logic Controllers
Advances further study of Programmable Logic Controllers that was initiated in ELE 239. Students will learn to use more advanced program instructions, including data manipulation, sequences and program control, and advanced PLC features, including timers, counters. Covers connectivity and use of a variety of real world I/O devices.
Lecture 2-3 hours. Laboratory 1-3 hours. Total 3-6 hours per week.
Prerequisite: ELE 239.
3-4 credits