Creative Writing - ENG 211 at Rappahannock Community College
Effective: 2024-05-01
Course Description
Explores fundamentals of writing imaginatively in genres such as poetry, fiction, drama, and essays. Examines terminology and techniques through readings about the craft of creative writing and model texts and provides students the opportunity to apply these techniques in their own writing. Requires students to develop and revise original work through peer and instructor feedback.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits
The course outline below was developed as part of a statewide standardization process.
General Course Purpose
ENG 211 introduces students to the field of creative writing and engages them in the process of generating imaginative written work. Students will be exposed to narrative techniques and poetic forms, read diverse texts across genres, practice craft exercises, and hone their writing skills through peer and instructor feedback.
Course Prerequisites/Corequisites
Prerequisite: ENG 112 or divisional approval.
Course Objectives
- Critical Thinking
- Analyze published model texts from a variety of genres to identify elements of craft
- Written Communication
- Incorporate elements of craft in short exercises and in developed creative work
- Give supportive, constructive, craft-based feedback to work of peers
- Use multiple imaginative writing techniques to conceptualize, revise, and polish original creative work
- Revise drafts based on peer and instructor feedback
Major Topics to be Included
- Elements of Craft
- Identify and apply terms such as plot, character, setting, voice, figurative language, etc.
- Define genres such as fiction, creative nonfiction, drama, poetry, etc.
- Generative Techniques
- Generate writing to a variety of prompts and through targeted exercises
- Feedback
- Present drafts of imaginative work for peer feedback
- Development and Revision
- Develop personal voice
- Develop narrative tone
- Write in a variety of genres
- Apply revision techniques to creative work
- Model texts
- Identify narrative and linguistic techniques from a diverse offering of texts
- Recognize rich literary traditions and diverse writing styles