Emergency Medical Services (EMS) at Southside Virginia Community College
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- EMS 100 - CPR for Healthcare Providers
- Provides instruction in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation that meets current Emergency Cardiac Care (ECC) guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation education for Healthcare Providers. Equivalent to HLT 105.Lecture 1 hours per week.
1 credits - EMS 110 - Emergency Vehicle Operator's Course (EVOC)
- Prepares the student for certification in the operation of various emergency vehicles. Teaches proper operating procedures in both emergency and non-emergency situations.Lecture 1 hour per week.
1 credits - EMS 111 - Emergency Medical Technician
- Prepares student for certification as a Virginia and National Registry EMT. Focuses on all aspects of pre-hospital basic life support as defined by the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services curriculum for Emergency Medicine Technician.Lecture 5 hours. Laboratory 4 hours. Total 9 hours per week.
Prerequisite: EMS 100/equivalent. Co-requisite: EMS 120.7 credits - EMS 112 - Emergency Medical Technician-Basic I
- Prepares student for certification as a Virginia and/or National Registry EMT-Basic. Focuses on all aspects of pre-hospital basic life support as defined by the Virginia office of Emergency Medical Services curriculum for Emergency Medicine Technician Basic.Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
4 credits - EMS 113 - Emergency Medical Technician-Basic II
- Continues preparation of student for certification as a Virginia and/or National Registry EMT-Basic. Includes all aspects of pre-hospital basic life support as defined by the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services curriculum for Emergency Medicine Technician Basic.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
3 credits - EMS 115 - Emergency Medical Technician - Basic Refresher
- Provides 36 clock hours of instruction to meet Virginia Office of EMS requirements for recertification at the EMT-Basic level.Lecture 2 hours per week.
2 credits - EMS 120 - Emergency Medical Technician - Clinical
- Provides supervised direct patient contact introducing the student to the assessment and emergency care of sick and injured patients.Laboratory 2 hours. Total 2 hours per week.
This course is a co-requisite for either EMS 111 or EMS 113, depending upon the program in which the student is participating.1 credits - EMS 121 - Preparatory Foundations
- Introduces fundamental concepts established by the National Emergency Medical Service Education Standards (NEMSES) for Advanced EMT and Paramedic curricula. Includes EMS systems, introduction to research, workforce safety and wellness, EMS system communications, introduction to public health, legal and ethical issues.Lecture 2 hours. Total 2 hours per week.
Prerequisites: Current Virginia EMT and CPR certification as approved by the Virginia Office of EMS.2 credits - EMS 123 - EMS Clinical Preparation
- Introduces the student to local clinical agencies and prepares the student for clinical activities above the level of EMT. Includes prerequisites required by clinical affiliates, therapeutic communication, primary assessment, history taking, secondary assessment, reassessment, monitoring devices and documentation.Laboratory 2 hours. Total 2 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Current Virginia EMT and CPR certification as approved by the Virginia Office of EMS.1 credits - EMS 125 - Basic Pharmacology
- Prepares students to demonstrate competency concerning basic principles of pharmacology, drug dosage calculations and medication administration. Introduces medications listed in the Advanced EMT (AEMT) scope of practice.Lecture 1 hour. Total 1 hour per week.
Prerequisite: Current Virginia EMT and CPR certification as approved by the Virginia Office of EMS. Corequisite: EMS 126.1 credits - EMS 126 - Basic Pharmacology Lab
- Focuses on the safe administration of medications in the emergency setting. Includes drug dose calculation and covers multiple routes of administration including oral, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intravenous, and intraosseous and other methods within the scope of practice for the emergency care provider.Laboratory 2 hours. Total 2 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Current Virginia EMT and CPR certification as approved by the Virginia Office of EMS. Corequisite: EMS 125.1 credits - EMS 127 - Airway, Shock and Resuscitation
- Introduces concepts associated with pre-hospital emergency care of the individual experiencing airway difficulty or in need of resuscitation or shock management.Lecture 1 hour. Total 1 hour per week.
Prerequisite: Current Virginia EMT and CPR certification as approved by the Virginia Office of EMS. Corequisite: EMS 128.1 credits - EMS 128 - Airway, Shock and Resuscitation Lab
- Focuses on specific skills related to airway, resuscitation and shock management.Laboratory 2 hours. Total 2 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Current Virginia EMT and CPR certification as approved by the Virginia Office of EMS. Corequisite: EMS 127.1 credits - EMS 132 - Vehicle Rescue
- Educates Fire and EMS personnel in basic vehicle rescue. Teaches safe and proficient techniques for using air, manual and hydraulic tools.Lecture 1-2 hours per week.
1-2 credits - EMS 135 - Emergency Medical Care
- Prepares the student to assess and manage patients with common medical emergencies.Lecture 2 hours. Total 2 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Current Virginia EMT and CPR certification as approved by the Virginia Office of EMS. Corequisite: EMS 136.2 credits - EMS 136 - Emergency Medical Care Lab
- Focuses on specific skills related to the assessment and management of common medical emergencies.Laboratory 2 hours. Total 2 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Current Virginia EMT and CPR certification as approved by the Virginia Office of EMS. Corequisite: EMS 135.1 credits - EMS 137 - Trauma Care
- Prepares the student to assess and manage injured patients, developing his/her problem-solving ability in the treatment of trauma involving various body systems.Lecture 1 hour. Total 1 hour per week.
Corequisite: EMS 1381 credits - EMS 138 - Trauma Care Lab
- Focuses on the skills required for the assessment and management of patients with traumatic injury.Laboratory 2 hours. Total 2 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Current Virginia EMT and CPR certification as approved by the Virginia Office of EMS. Corequisite: EMS 137.1 credits - EMS 139 - Special Populations
- Focuses on the pre-hospital assessment and management of patients in a specific population including pediatrics, geriatrics, obstetrics/gynecology (OB/GYN), bariatric, abuse, sexual assault and special needs.Lecture 1 hour. Total 1 hour per week.
Prerequisite: Current Virginia EMT and CPR certification as approved by the Virginia Office of EMS. Corequisite: EMS 140.1 credits - EMS 140 - Special Populations Lab
- Develops skills related to the assessment and management of patients in a specific population including pediatrics, geriatrics, obstetrics/gynecology (OB/GYN), bariatric, abuse, sexual assault and special needs.Laboratory 2 hour. Total 2 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Current Virginia EMT and CPR certification as approved by the Virginia Office of EMS. Corequisite: EMS 139.1 credits - EMS 141 - Cardiovascular Care
- Focuses on assessment and management of cardiac-related emergencies. Covers basic dysrhythmia recognition and relates it to overall cardiac patient care.Lecture 2 hours. Total 2 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Current Virginia EMT and CPR certification as approved by the Virginia Office of EMS. Corequisite: EMS 142.2 credits - EMS 142 - Cardiovascular Care Lab
- Focuses on skills involved in the assessment and management of cardiac-related emergencies. Develops competency in basic dysrhythmia recognition and overall cardiac patient care.Laboratory 2 hours. Total 2 hour per week.
Prerequisite: Current Virginia EMT and CPR certification as approved by the Virginia Office of EMS. Corequisite EMS 141.1 credits - EMS 145 - EMS Responses to Specialized Incidents
- Presents the EMS response and mitigation of specialized incidents such as hazardous materials, Weapons of Mass Destruction, natural disasters, and other specialized multi-casualty incidents.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - EMS 146 - Medical Aspects of Hazardous Materials
- Introduces the student to more specific medical emergencies associated with hazardous materials. Includes the toxic syndromes, common toxins in the local area, plus a special emphasis on weapons of mass destruction and what they mean for today's EMS provider.Lecture 2-3 hours per week.
2-3 credits - EMS 151 - Introduction to Advanced Life Support
- Prepares the student for Virginia Enhanced certification eligibility and begins the sequence for National Registry Intermediate and/or Paramedic certification. Includes the theory and application of the following: foundations, human systems, pharmacology, overview of shock, venous access, airway management, patient assessment, respiratory emergencies, allergic reaction, and assessment based management. Conforms at a minimum to the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services curriculum.Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
Co-requisite: EMS 170.4 credits - EMS 152 - Advanced EMT Completion
- Continues the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services Advanced, Intermediate and/or Paramedic curricula. Includes patient assessment, differential diagnosis and management of multiple complaints. Includes, but are not limited to conditions relating to diabetic, neurological, abdominal pain, environmental, behavioral, gynecology, and toxicological disease conditions. Also includes Advanced EMT level cardiac, trauma and special population topics.Lecture 1 hour. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Current EMT Certification and EMS 151. Co-requisite: EMS 151.2 credits - EMS 153 - Basic ECG Recognition
- Focuses on the interpretation of basic electrocardiograms (ECG) and their significance. Includes an overview of anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system including structure, function and electrical conduction in the heart. Covers advanced concepts that build on the knowledge and skills of basic dysrhythmia determination and introduction to 12 lead ECG.Lecture 2 hours per week.
2 credits - EMS 155 - ALS - Medical Care
- Continues the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services Intermediate and/or Paramedic curricula. Includes ALS pharmacology, drug and fluid administration with emphasis on patient assessment, differential diagnosis and management of multiple medical complaints. Includes, but are not limited to conditions relating to cardiac, diabetic, neurological, non-traumatic abdominal pain, environmental, behavioral, gynecology, and toxicological disease conditions.Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
Prerequisites: Current EMT-B certification, EMS 151 and EMS 153.4 credits - EMS 157 - ALS - Trauma Care
- Continues the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services Intermediate and/or Paramedic curricula. Utilizes techniques which will allow the student to utilize the assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implement the treatment plan for the trauma patient.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
Prerequisites: Current EMT-B certification and EMS 151.3 credits - EMS 159 - ALS - Special Populations
- Continues the Virginia office of Emergency Medical Services Intermediate and/or Paramedic curricula. Focuses on the assessment and management of specialty patients including obstetrical, pediatric, and neonates.2 lecture hours; 2 lab hours; 4 Hours per week
Pre reqs. EMS 151 and EMS 153; Pre or Co-reqs EMS 1553 credits - EMS 163 - Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)
- Prepares for certification as a Prehospital Trauma Life Support provider as defined by the American College of Surgeons.Lecture 1 hour per week.
Prerequisites: EMS 111 or equivalent.1 credits - EMS 164 - Advanced Medical Life Support (AMLS)
- Covers current topics of care for adult patients suffering extensive medical conditions and emergencies, and offers certification as an Advanced Medical Life Support (AMLS) as defined by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT).Lecture 1 hour. Total 1 hour per week.
1 credits - EMS 165 - Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
- Prepares for certification as an Advanced Cardiac Life provider. Follows course as defined by the American Heart Association.Lecture 1 hour. Total 1 hour per week.
Prerequisite: EMS 100 or equivalent1 credits - EMS 167 - Emergency Pediatric Care (EPC)
- Provides a unique approach to pediatric medical care, offering assessment techniques that can help EMS practitioners rapidly and accurately assess pediatric patients to determine which situations may be life threatening and require immediate intervention. Offers certification as defined by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT).Lecture 1 hour. Total 1 hour per week.
1 credits - EMS 169 - Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
- Prepares the student for certification as a pediatric advanced life support provider as defined by the American Heart Association. Covers primary assessment and emergency care of infants and children.Lecture 1 hour per week.
1 credits - EMS 170 - ALS Internship I
- Begins the first in a series of clinical experiences providing supervised direct patient contact in appropriate patient care facilities in and out of hospitals. Includes but not limited to patient care units such as the Emergency Department, Critical Care units, Pediatric, Labor and Delivery, Operating Room, Trauma centers and various advanced life support units.Laboratory 3-6 hours per week.
1-2 credits - EMS 172 - ALS Clinical Internship II
- Continues with the second in a series of clinical experiences providing supervised direct patient contact in appropriate patient care facilities in and out of hospitals. Includes but not limited to patient care units such as the Emergency Department, Critical Care units, Pediatric, Labor and Delivery, Operating Room and Trauma Centers.Laboratory 3-6 hours per week.
Co-requisite: EMS 151.1-2 credits - EMS 173 - ALS Field Intership II
- Continues with the second in a series of field experiences providing supervised direct patient care in out-of-hospital advanced life support units.Laboratory 3 hours per week.
1 credits - EMS 175 - Paramedic Clinical Experience I
- Introduces students to live patient assessment and management in the clinical setting. Begins a continuum of learning involving live patients that leads to entry-level competence at the paramedic level.Internship 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Current Virginia EMT and CPR certification as approved by the Virginia Office of EMS1 credits - EMS 195 - Topics In
- Provides an opportunity to explore topical areas of interest to or needed by students.May be used also for special honors courses. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - EMS 201 - EMS Professional Development
- The purpose of this course is to prepare the EMS student to use community resources to facilitate personal and community wellness and fulfills the wellness and resource objectives of the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services Intermediate curriculum.Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: EMT/B Certification3 credits - EMS 202 - Paramedic Pharmacology
- Focuses on advanced pharmacological interventions, medications and their effects.Lecture 2 hours. Total 2 hours per week.
2 credits - EMS 203 - Advanced Patient Care
- Focuses on the comprehensive assessment and management of patients in out-of-hospital and inter-facility scenarios. Content is centered on problem-solving through integration of didactic, psychomotor and affective curricula.Lecture 2 hours. Total 2 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Current Virginia EMT and CPR certification as approved by the Virginia Office of EMS. Corequisite: EMS 204.2 credits - EMS 204 - Advanced Patient Care Lab
- Focuses on the comprehensive assessment and management of out-of-hospital and inter-facility patients using scenario-based learning.Laboratory 4 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
Corequisite: EMS 2032 credits - EMS 205 - Advanced Pathophysiology
- Focuses on the pathological processes of disease with emphasis on the anatomical and physiological alterations of the human body by systems. Includes diagnosis and management appropriate to the advanced health care provider in and out of the hospital environment.Lecture 4 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
Prerequisite: EMT/B Certification4 credits - EMS 206 - Pathophysiology for the Health Professions
- Focuses on the pathological processes of disease with emphasis on the anatomical and physiological alterations of the human body systems. Includes diagnosis and management appropriate to the advanced health care provider in and out of the hospital environment.Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits - EMS 207 - Advanced Patient Assessment
- Focuses on the principles of normal and abnormal physical exam. Emphasizes the analysis and interpretation of physiological data to assist in patient assessment and management. Applies principles during the assessment and management of trauma, medical, and specialty patients in laboratory environment.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
3 credits - EMS 209 - Advanced Pharmacology
- Focuses on the principles of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and drug administration. Includes drug legislation, techniques of medication administration, and principles of math calculations. Emphasizes drugs used to manage respiratory, cardiac, neurological, gastrointestinal, fluid and electrolyte and endocrine disorders and includes classification, mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, precautions, and patient education. Incorporates principles related to substance abuse and hazardous materials. Applies principles during the assessment and management of trauma, medical, and specialty patients in a laboratory environment.Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
4 credits - EMS 210 - EMS Operations
- Focuses on matters related to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) operations, incident and scene safety and awareness, triage, multiple and mass casualty incident operations and medical incident management (command and control of EMS incidents).Laboratory 2 hours. Total 2 hours per week.
1 credits - EMS 211 - Operations
- Prepares the student in the theory and application of the following: medical incident command, rescue awareness and operations, hazardous materials incidents, and crime scene awareness. (Conforms to the current Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services curriculum for EMT-Paramedics.)Lecture 1 hour. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
2 credits - EMS 212 - Leadership and Professional Development
- Focuses on the development of leadership within the field of Emergency Medical Services (EMS), topics include civic engagement, personal wellness, resource management, ethical considerations in leadership and research.Lecture 1 hour. Total 1 hour per week.
1 credits - EMS 213 - ALS Skills Development
- Utilizes reinforcement and remediation of additional advanced life support skills, as needed.Laboratory 2-4 hours per week.
1-2 credits - EMS 216 - Paramedic Review
- Provides the student with intensive review for the practical and written portions of the National Registry Paramedic exam. May be repeated once, for credit.Laboratory 2 hours. Total 2 hours per week.
1 credits - EMS 242 - ALS Clinical Internship III
- Continues with the third in a series of clinical experiences providing supervised direct patient contact in appropriate patient care facilities in-and-out of hospitals. Includes, but not limited to patient care units such as the Emergency Department, Critical Care units, Pediatric, Labor and Delivery, Operating Room, Trauma Centers and various advanced life support units.Laboratory 3-6 hours per week.
1-2 credits - EMS 243 - ALS Field Internship III
- Continues with the third in a series of field experiences providing supervised direct patient care in out-of-hospital advanced life support units.Laboratory 3-6 hours per week.
1-2 credits - EMS 244 - ALS Clinical Intership IV
- The fourth in a series of clinical experiences providing direct patient contact in appropriate patient care facilities in-and-out of hospitals. Includes, but not limited to patient care units such as the Emergency Department, Critical Care units, Pediatric, Labor and Delivery, Operating Room and Trauma Centers. May be repeated as necessary.Laboratory 3-6 hours per week.
1-2 credits - EMS 245 - ALS Field Intership IV
- Continues with the fourth in a series of field experiences providing supervised direct patient care in out-of-hospital advanced life support units. May be repeated as necessary.Laboratory 3-6 hours per week.
1-2 credits - EMS 247 - Paramedic Clinical Experience II
- Continues the student experience with live patient assessment and management in the clinical setting. It is the second step in a continuum of learning involving live patients that leads to entry-level competence at the paramedic level.Laboratory 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
1 credits - EMS 248 - Paramedic Comprehensive Field Experience
- Expands the student experience with live patient assessment and management into the field setting. It is the third step in a continuum of learning involving live patients that leads to entry-level competence at the paramedic level.Laboratory 6 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
2 credits - EMS 249 - Paramedic Capstone Internship
- Provides summative evaluation of the Paramedic student in the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains.Laboratory 6 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
2 credits - EMS 299 - Supervised Study
- Assigns problems for independent study incorporating previous instruction and supervised by the instructor.May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits