Communication Studies and Theatre (CST)
Distance Learning
Time of Day
- CST 90 - Coordinated Internship
- Supervises on-the-job training in selected business, industrial or service firms coordinated by the college.Credit/practice ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - CST 93 - Studies In
- Covers new content not covered in existing courses in the discipline. Allows instructor to explore content and instructional methods to assess the course's viability as a permanent offering.Variable hours per week.
1-5 credits - CST 95 - Topics In
- Provides an opportunity to explore topical areas of interest to or needed by students. May be used also for special honors courses. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.Variable hours per week.
1-5 credits - CST 96 - On-Site Training
- Specializes in career orientation and training program without pay in selected businesses and industry, supervised and coordinated by the college.Credit/work ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - CST 97 - Cooperative Education
- Supervises in on-the-job training for pay in approved business, industrial and service firms, coordinated by the college's cooperative education office. Is applicable to all occupational- technical curricula at the discretion of the college. Credit/work ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit.Variable hours.
1-5 credits - CST 98 - Seminar and Project
- Requires completion of a project or research report related to the student's occupational objectives and a study of approaches to the selection and pursuit of career opportunities in the field. May be repeated for credit.Variable hours.
1-5 credits - CST 99 - Supervised Study
- Assigns problems for independent study incorporating previous instruction and supervised by the instructor. May be repeated for credit.Variable hours.
1-5 credits - CST 100 - Principles of Public Speaking
- Applies theory and principles of public address with an emphasis on preparation and on the extemporaneous method of delivery. The assignments in the course require college-level reading and analysis of scholarly studies and coherent communication through written reports, including the production of at least one APA/MLA-formatted individual writing assignment. This is a UCGS transfer course.Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 105 - Oral Communication
- Studies effective communication with emphasis on speaking and listening.Lecture 2-3 hours per week.
2-3 credits - CST 110 - Introduction to Human Communication
- Examines the elements affecting human communication in individual (e.g., intrapersonal, interpersonal), small group, and public communication contexts with an emphasis on the practice of communication skills in each context. The assignments in the course require college-level reading and analysis of scholarly studies and coherent communication through written reports including the production of at least one APA/MLA-formatted individual writing assignment. This is a UCGS transfer course.Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 111 - Voice and Diction I
- Enables students to improve pronunciation, articulation, and voice quality. Includes applied phonetics. Part I of II.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 112 - Voice and Diction II
- Continued improvement of pronunciation, articulation, and voice quality with a focus toward applying these skills to text. Includes applied phonetics and dialect work. Part II of II.Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: CST 1113 credits - CST 114 - Survey of Mass Media
- Examines the history and current understanding of mass communication. Covers print media (newspapers, magazines, and books), electronic media (radio, television, film, the Internet), advertising, public relations, and mass media theory, research, and ethics.Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 115 - Small Group Communication
- Emphasizes the development of presentational ability in a group, decision-making, group maintenance, and leadership and participant skills. Incorporates a preliminary study of group dynamics.Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 120 - Screenwriting
- Focuses on the craft of writing for the screen. Examines film and television screenplay structure. Analyzes dramatic strategies in film and television. Learn and apply correct script form and creatively engage in the various stages of original scriptwriting.This course is cross-listed with PHT 120. Credit will not be awarded for both.Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 126 - Interpersonal Communication
- Teaches interpersonal communication skills for both daily living and the world of work, including perception, self- concept, self-disclosure, listening and feedback, nonverbal communication, attitudes, assertiveness, and other interpersonal skills. The assignments in the course require college-level reading and analysis of scholarly studies and coherent communication through written reports including the production of at least one APA/MLA-formatted individual writing assignment.Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 130 - Introduction to the Theatre
- Surveys the principles of drama, the development of theatre production, and selected plays to acquaint the student with various types of theatrical presentations. This is a Passport and UCGS transfer course.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 131 - Acting I
- Introduces students to the craft of acting. Covers the practice of physical and vocal warm-ups, improvisation exercises, individual and group scenes, and analytical skills. Develops presence and communication skills. Provides students with introductory exposure to a variety of acting concepts. Part I of IV.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hour. Total 4 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 132 - Acting II
- Extends students' understanding of the craft of acting. Builds on Acting I skills through individual and group text work that include practice listening, point-of-view recognition, personalization, and text analysis. Part II of IV.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hour. Total 4 hours per week.
Prerequisite: CST 1313 credits - CST 136 - Theatre Workshop
- Provides students with the opportunity to work in various activities of a play, dance or musical production, including, but not limited to, performance, dramaturgy, orchestra, set design, stage carpentry, sound, costuming, lighting, stage managing, props, promotion, or stage crew. Variable hours per week. May be repeated for credit. This course is cross-listed with DAN 136 and MUS 129.Laboratory 2 hours.
Prerequisite: Previous performance experience is recommended.1 credits - CST 137 - Oral Interpretation
- Studies the theory and practice of performing various types of literature: prose, poetry, and drama. Emphasizes the relationship among the oral interpreter, the literary work, and the audience.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 140 - Acting for the Camera
- Explores the practical and artistic elements involved in acting for the camera through such activities as: performance of commercial, film and television scripts, developing knowledge of the technical side of camera work and the study of the business of acting.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 141 - Theatre Appreciation I
- Aims to increase knowledge and enjoyment of theatre. Considers process, style, organization, written drama, and performed drama. Part I of II.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 145 - Technical Theatre
- Introduces students to the fundamental methods, materials and techniques involved in all areas of technical theatre production, such as sound, lighting, costuming, stage management and props, with an emphasis on scenic constructionLecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hour. Total 4 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 147 - Costume Construction
- Introduces students to the basic techniques, materials and methods of theatrical costume construction. Covers hand sewing, machine sewing, familiarity with different types of materials and their uses, the use of patterns, shop safety, distressing techniques and wardrobe duties.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 149 - Introduction to Theatrical Makeup
- Introduces students to the basic anatomy of the human face, and the methods, materials and techniques used to alter the appearance of themselves and others through the use of the fundamentals of stage makeup and prosthetics used to create different characters and looks for different styles and types of theatrical productions.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 151 - Film Appreciation I
- Provides students with a critical understanding of film through the discussion and viewing of motion pictures with emphasis upon the study of film history and the forms and functions of film. Students will develop skills to analyze the shared social, cultural and historical influences of films and their contexts. Part I of II. This is a Passport and UCGS transfer course.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 152 - Film Appreciation II
- Provides students with a critical understanding of film through the discussion and viewing of motion pictures with emphasis upon the study of film history and the forms and functions of film. Students will develop skills to analyze the shared social, cultural and historical influences of films and their contexts. Part II of II.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 160 - Improvisation I
- Explores the basic techniques of improvisation through short and long form exercises and the study of the history of improvisation and improvisation theory and practices.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 161 - Improvisation II
- Explores the basic techniques of improvisation through short and long form exercises and the study of the history of improvisation and improvisation theory and practices. Includes more extensive study of long form and in-depth character development.Lecture 2 hour. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 190 - Coordinated Internship
- Supervises on-the-job training in selected business, industrial or service firms coordinated by the college.Credit/practice ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - CST 193 - Studies In
- Covers new content not covered in existing courses in the discipline. Allows instructor to explore content and instructional methods to assess the course's viability as a permanent offering.Variable hours per week.
1-5 credits - CST 195 - Topics In
- Provides an opportunity to explore topical areas of interest to or needed by students. May be used also for special honors courses.May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - CST 196 - On-Site Training
- Specializes in career orientation and training program without pay in selected businesses and industry, supervised and coordinated by the college.Credit/work ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - CST 197 - Cooperative Education
- Supervises in on-the-job training for pay in approved business, industrial and service firms, coordinated by the college's cooperative education office. Is applicable to all occupational- technical curricula at the discretion of the college. Credit/work ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit.Variable hours.
1-5 credits - CST 198 - Seminar and Project
- Requires completion of a project or research report related to the student's occupational objectives and a study of approaches to the selection and pursuit of career opportunities in the field. May be repeated for credit.Variable hours.
1-5 credits - CST 199 - Supervised Study
- Assigns problems for independent study incorporating previous instruction and supervised by the instructor. May be repeated for credit.Variable hours.
1-5 credits - CST 201 - Introduction to Communication Theory
- Engages in an examination of various theories, focusing on questions about human communication. Emphasizes perspectives on theory development, topical areas within the discipline, basic research methodologies, and a survey of theories in those areas. Covers basic procedures for theory building, research, and writing about communication.3 credits
- CST 210 - Dramatic Literature
- Introduces script analysis through exploration into the theatrical theories, styles, dramaturgical structures, and types of dramatic literature that have influenced playwriting and theatrical practice from ancient times to present day in Western and Non-Western Cultures. The assignments in this course require students to be able to read scholarly works from different cultures and to write analytic evaluations of theatrical scripts and performances.Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 211 - Acting III
- Continues the development of performance skills through theatre exercises, scene and monologue work, and exploration of personalized character work as it applies to modern acting. Part III of IV.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 212 - Acting IV
- Continues the development of performance skills through theatre exercises, scene and monologue work, and exploration of personalized character work as it applies to modern acting. Emphasizes the study of classical texts and acting styles such as Greek, Elizabethan, Realism and Anti-Realism movements. Part IV of IV.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 5 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 221 - Public Relations
- Introduces public relations as a marketing activity and focuses on media relations, publicity, strategic planning, public relations research, communication with multiple audiences, and the elements of an effective public relations campaign to influence public opinion. Equips students with the basic skills for writing publicity materials and coordinating public relations campaigns and media kits. This course applies basic writing and communication skills to the principles of public relations. This is an upper level course intended for students planning to study in public relations or a related field. This course is cross-listed with MKT 221. Credit will not be awarded for both.Lecture 3 credits. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 227 - Business and Professional Communication
- Emphasizes principles and practical application to effective professional oral communication behaviors to include speaking, listening, and relating, and rhetorical sensitivity within professional, business, and organizational contexts.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 228 - Writing Across Media
- Provides instruction in writing and reporting techniques within various professional media fields, to include public relations, advertising, print, broadcast, and online journalism. Focuses on information gathering, developing appropriate and accurate stories, journalistic storytelling, grammar, Associated Press Style, and knowledge of current affairs.Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: ENG 112 or departmental approval.3 credits - CST 229 - Intercultural Communication
- Explores human communication across cultural contexts and introduces the study of intercultural communication. Prepares students to communicate effectively within an increasingly multicultural world and globalized era. Develops understanding and analytical skills regarding communication across cultural contexts.Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 231 - History of Theatre I
- Analyzes and studies theatre history to include architecture, performers and performance, playwrights, stage, production methods, and audience from the Greeks through modern drama. Part I of II.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 237 - Movement I
- Introduces the basic techniques and theories of stage movement for the purpose of creating truthful physical behavior in the theatre. Part I of II.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 238 - Movement II
- Continues the study of creating truthful physical behavior in the theatre, leading toward the competent application of movement to characters and text. Part II of II.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 241 - Introduction to Directing I
- Introduces theory and practice of stage direction through the study of directing methods as well as the execution and discussion of directing exercises. Part I of II.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
Prerequisites: CST 131-132 or SPD 131-132 or divisional approval.3 credits - CST 245 - Basic Stage Lighting
- Provides students with a basic understanding of the principles, methods and materials of stage lighting. Instructs students in the fundamentals of stage lighting such as: functions and qualities of light, foundational principles and methods of lighting design, components of lighting instruments and equipment, basic electricity, light board operation, and safety protocol and procedures.Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 250 - The Art of the Film
- Introduces the art of the film through a survey of film history; viewing, discussion, and analysis of selected films. Studies film techniques such as composition, shot sequence, lighting, visual symbolism, sound effects, and editing.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 251 - Stage Lighting and Sound
- Provides students with a basic understanding of the principles of stage lighting and sound. Instructs students in the fundamentals of stage lighting such as: functions of lighting, qualities of light, design, basic electricity, lighting instruments and equipment, board operation, and safety. Instructs students in the functions of sound, equipment, design, and sound operation.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 252 - Costume and Make-up for the Theatre
- Provides students with a basic understanding of the principle of costuming and make-up for the theatre. Instructs in the fundamentals of costumes such as: function, research techniques, design, materials and construction. Instructs in the fundamentals of make-up such as: basic make-up techniques, supplies, and the design of straight, character, and special effect applications.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 253 - Production and Stage Management
- Provides students with a working knowledge of theatre management such as: theatre organization, budgeting, box office, publicity, house management, and stage management. Offers students an opportunity to work in college theatre productions.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 258 - Scenic Design
- Introduces students to the basics of theatrical scene design including script analysis, theory, research, visual creation and presentation, construction techniques, budgeting and scope, collaboration and the importance of historical periods in art and architecture.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 266 - Outdoor Drama
- Enables students to study production techniques through participation as actors or technicians in outdoor drama. Prerequisite divisional approval.Variable hours per week.
1-6 credits - CST 270 - Film Directing
- Introduces theory and practice of film directing. Explores the roles and responsibilities of the director in development, pre-production, production, post-production, distribution and exhibition phases of the filmmaking process for Cinema and other media. Covers mise en scene, how to interpret a script visually and how to work with actors.Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
3 credits - CST 276 - Portfolio and Career Preparation for Performing Arts
- Guides students preparing to enter theatrical fields through audition, resume, interview and portfolio preparation and exposure to possible careers. Recommended for final semester program students. This is a cross-listed course with MUS 276 and DAN 276.Laboratory 2 hours. Total 2 hours per week.
1 credits - CST 290 - Coordinated Internship
- Supervises on-the-job training in selected business, industrial or service firms coordinated by the college.Credit/practice ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - CST 293 - Studies In
- Covers new content not covered in existing courses in the discipline. Allows instructor to explore content and instructional methods to assess the course's viability as a permanent offering.Variable hours per week.
1-5 credits - CST 295 - Topics In
- Provides an opportunity to explore topical areas of interest to or needed by students. May be used also for special honors courses. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.Variable hours per week.
1-5 credits - CST 296 - On-Site Training
- Specializes in career orientation and training program without pay in selected businesses and industry, supervised and coordinated by the college.Credit/work ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - CST 297 - Cooperative Educaton
- Supervises in on-the-job training for pay in approved business, industrial and service firms, coordinated by the college's cooperative education office. Is applicable to all occupational- technical curricula at the discretion of the college. Credit/work ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit.Variable hours.
1-5 credits - CST 298 - Seminar and Project
- Requires completion of a project or research report related to the student's occupational objectives and a study of approaches to the selection and pursuit of career opportunities in the field. May be repeated for credit.Variable hours.
1-5 credits - CST 299 - Supervised Study
- Assigns problems for independent study incorporating previous instruction and supervised by the instructor. May be repeated for credit.Variable hours.
1-5 credits