Student Development (SDV)
Distance Learning
Time of Day
- SDV 1 - Student Development (Insert Appropriate Disciplines)
- Reviews the basic concepts and skills necessary for students to progress satisfactorily in regular college courses.Lecture 1-5 hours per week.
1-5 credits - SDV 80 - Integrated Basic Academic/Life Skills
- Provides an integrated approach to developing skills in grammar usage, vocabulary, writing, career exploration/planning, job- related computation skills, study skills and other functional academics. Required for first semester PAVE students.Lecture 5 hours per week.
3-5 credits - SDV 90 - Coordinated Internship
- Supervises on-the-job training in selected business, industrial or service firms coordinated by the college.Credit/practice ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 93 - Studies In
- Covers new content not covered in existing courses in the discipline. Allows instructor to explore content and instructional methods to assess the course's viability as a permanent offering.Variable hours per week.
1-5 credits - SDV 95 - Topics In
- Provides an opportunity to explore topical areas of interest to or needed by students.May be used also for special honors courses. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 96 - On-Site Training
- Specializes in career orientation and training program without pay in selected businesses and industry, supervised and coordinated by the college.Credit/work ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 97 - Cooperative Education
- Supervises in on-the-job training for pay in approved business, industrial and service firms, coordinated by the college's cooperative education office. Is applicable to all occupational- technical curricula at the discretion of the college.Credit/work ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 98 - Seminar and Project
- Requires completion of a project or research report related to the student's occupational objectives and a study of approaches to the selection and pursuit of career opportunities in the field.May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 99 - Supervised Study
- Assigns problems for independent study incorporating previous instruction and supervised by the instructor.May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 100 - College Success Skills
- Assists students in transition to colleges. Provides overviews of college policies, procedures, curricular offerings. Encourages contacts with other students and staff. Assists students toward college success through information regarding effective study habits, career and academic planning, and other college resources available to students. May include English and Math placement testing. Strongly recommended for beginning students. Required for graduation.Lecture 1-3 hours per week.
1-3 credits - SDV 101 - Orientation To (Specify the Discipline)
- Introduces students to the skills which are necessary to achieve their academic goals, to services offered at the college and to the discipline in which they are enrolled. Covers topics such as services at the college including the learning resources center; counseling, and advising; listening, test taking, and study skills; and topical areas which are applicable to their particular discipline.Lecture 1-3 hours per week.
1-3 credits - SDV 104 - Study Skills
- Assists students in planning strategies to overcome nonproductive study habits and in implementing positive study behaviors. Includes management, memory improvement, note taking, and test taking.Lecture 1-3 hours per week.
1-3 credits - SDV 106 - Preparation for Employment
- Provides experience in resume writing, preparation of applications, letters of application, and successfully preparing for and completing the job interview. Assists students in identifying their marketable skills and aptitudes. Develops strategies for successful employment search. Assists students in understanding effective human relations techniques and communication skills in job search.Lecture 1-2 hours per week.
1-2 credits - SDV 107 - Career Education
- Surveys career options available to students. Stresses career development and assists in the understanding of self in the world of work. Assists students in applying decision-making to career choice.Lecture 1-3 hours per week.
1-3 credits - SDV 108 - College Survival Skills
- Provides an orientation to the college. Introduces study skills, career and life planning. Offers an opportunity to engage in activities aimed at self-discovery. Emphasizes development of "coping skills" such as listening, interpersonal relations, competence, and improved self-concept. Recommended for students enrolled in developmental courses.Lecture 1-3 hours per week.
1-3 credits - SDV 109 - Student Leadership Development
- Provides opportunities for student to learn leadership theory and skills for application in campus organizations, committees and groups.Lecture 1 hours per week.
1 credits - SDV 110 - Orientation to Teaching As a Profession
- Introduces students to a career in teaching and education by allowing students to experience the components of the learner, the school environment and the classroom teaching environment. Utilizes the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow/Teacher Cadet curriculum. Students participate in a 15-hour student teaching internship in a classroom at one of the levels between Kindergarten and grade 9.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - SDV 190 - Coordinated Internship
- Supervises on-the-job training in selected business, industrial or service firms coordinated by the college.Credit/practice ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 193 - Studies In
- Covers new content not covered in existing courses in the discipline. Allows instructor to explore content and instructional methods to assess the course's viability as a permanent offering.Variable hours per week.
1-5 credits - SDV 195 - Topics In
- Provides an opportunity to explore topical areas of interest to or needed by students.May be used also for special honors courses. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 196 - On-Site Training
- Specializes in career orientation and training program without pay in selected businesses and industry, supervised and coordinated by the college.Credit/work ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 197 - Cooperative Education
- Supervises in on-the-job training for pay in approved business, industrial and service firms, coordinated by the college's cooperative education office. Is applicable to all occupational- technical curricula at the discretion of the college.Credit/work ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 198 - Seminar and Project
- Requires completion of a project or research report related to the student's occupational objectives and a study of approaches to the selection and pursuit of career opportunities in the field.May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 199 - Supervised Study
- Assigns problems for independent study incorporating previous instruction and supervised by the instructor.May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 200 - Transfer Readiness Capstone
- Provides information and strategies necessary to develop clear academic and professional goals for students intending to transfer to other institutions of higher learning. Requires completion of a project requiring the student to demonstrate proficiency of the College's general education core competencies.Lecture 1 hour. Total 1 hour per week.
1 credits - SDV 290 - Coordinated Internship
- Supervises on-the-job training in selected business, industrial or service firms coordinated by the college.Credit/practice ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 293 - Studies In
- Covers new content not covered in existing courses in the discipline. Allows instructor to explore content and instructional methods to assess the course's viability as a permanent offering.Variable hours per week.
1-5 credits - SDV 295 - Topics In
- Provides an opportunity to explore topical areas of interest to or needed by students.May be used also for special honors courses. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 296 - On-Site Training
- Specializes in career orientation and training program without pay in selected businesses and industry, supervised and coordinated by the college.Credit/work ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 297 - Cooperative Education
- Supervises in on-the-job training for pay in approved business, industrial and service firms, coordinated by the college's cooperative education office. Is applicable to all occupational- technical curricula at the discretion of the college.Credit/work ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 298 - Seminar and Project
- Requires completion of a project or research report related to the student's occupational objectives and a study of approaches to the selection and pursuit of career opportunities in the field.May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits - SDV 299 - Supervised Study
- Assigns problems for independent study incorporating previous instruction and supervised by the instructor.May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits